


A Micro Preemie Warrior

Journee is an amazing little girl who was born at 25 weeks and spent the first 5 months of her life in the care of wonderful NICU doctors and nurses before we found her and adopted her! She has been the most incredible blessing to us, our 5 other kiddos, and everyone she meets. She is so loved! Journee had subglottic stenosis, resulting in her tracheostomy. She also has BPD or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, micrognathia, microcephaly, hypotonia, global delays, and autism. Despite the odds stacked against her, she is THRIVING and one of the happiest girls you will meet. Her smile, with its many dimples, lights up the room. This beautiful little girl absolutely LOVES music and dancing. Although she has delays, she is smart and learning quicker than we ever thought possible. Since having major airway surgery, her trach has been removed, and she is learning to talk! Journee's joy for everything around her is infectious. She has let nothing keep her down. Our micro preemie is a warrior!

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