


A Trisomy 18 Angel

Elmerial Rose was diagnosed at 14 weeks gestation with Trisomy 18. She was born on February 16, 2019, and weighed 4 lb 1 oz, 17" in length. Ellie had a VSD, ASD, and PDA. At 3 days old, the doctors told us to say goodbye. They said there was no way she would recover from how sick her lungs were. I made them wait 2 days. In less than 48 hours, Ellie had made significant improvement. She spent 2 months in the NICU and was in and out of the hospital for another 2 months. She was then denied heart repair at our children's hospital. We were flown to Omaha for her heart repair at 4 months old. She spent 2 months there and then came home to live and thrive.

Ellie spent almost 4 months at home with no hospital stays. Then, when we were out of town for an appointment, Ellie got really sick. Her heart stopped, and it took too long for the paramedics to bring her back. She had gotten a chest cold and had so much CO2 in her body that her heart couldn't handle it. At nearly 10 months old, Ellie donated life to 2 people. I live every day remembering her. She was so very loved by me and her 2 big brothers.

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