


A Stillborn Angel

Three kids. We had planned on two babies, but here we were, with news of a third on the way. What!!!?? Not in the plans! It took some time to wrap our heads around that, and shortly after finally fully accepting we would be outnumbered, we bought the minivan. It wasn't long after that we found out it would be a boy! Griffin was the name we had only just recently settled on. We began looking forward to snuggling another baby boy, squeezing his cheeks, and hoping he'd be a chubby squish ball like his two siblings.

Well into the second trimester, future plans had been made. Dreams were dreamt. And then, "There is no heartbeat." Ours stopped, too. Multiple blood tests had shown a life full of health. But that wasn't the plan God had for him or us. There were a lot of tears and unanswered questions in the following days. In those days that followed, we found out we weren't alone - not even close!

We didn't just "lose" our sweet Griffin. We lost the future as a family of 5 we had already planned on: the way his grandparents would glow the first time they looked at him, the coming-home-from-the-hospital outfit with his name on it, his name hat already made by KNOTS, what we were going to dress our precious newborn in for Halloween, the first Thanksgiving outfit, watching Blair and Smith love on their new brother, seeing Miss Amy love on Griff like she did B & S, the first smile, the first laugh, watching Griff grow and play with his BFF Dally, how Kenny was going to pose the 3 kids under the tree for our annual Christmas Eve pics, the first time he said momma and the dreams already dreamt go on and on...  and will continue to forever be dreams...
Our baby, the star that lights our path. Always and forever loved. 

Instead we visit him at the cemetery and rearrange the special things we have placed on his grave.

There are more than 20,000+ babies stillborn every year in just the United States. We've since been blessed with another boy.

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