


Wynter, an OFD14 and Cerebral Palsy Warrior

We have always done pink with different types of white snowflakes, all because of the quote and her name: “Every snowflake is unique, yet they are each perfect.” Wynter has an extremely rare syndrome called OFD14 lung disease, cerebral palsy, ventilator, g-tube, trach, and O2 dependent, kidney reflux, epilepsy, as well as much more that make her unique.

Wynter was born full term, unknowingly, with airway complications that gave her a first-class ride in a jet to the Children’s of Alabama Hospital a few short hours after birth. We were told she wouldn’t make it. There wasn’t even much of a chance she would make the flight. But, after a 5-month stay in a level 4 NICU and many challenges, we brought Wynter home. She came with oxygen tanks, a ventilator, a suction machine, monitors, a feeding pump, and emergency equipment. But she is home and thriving. 

She is absolute perfection and has learned to crawl this year! She will be 4 on August 23rd. She is absolutely obsessed with Ms. Rachel, and it literally never goes off.

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