


A Cri Du Chat Angel

Melitta Maelyn was born premature with Cri Du Chat syndrome along with other medical diagnoses. This tiny little fighter came into my life when she was 4 months old. I had previous medical experience from fostering and later adopting our twins, Benjamin and Eleanora. I felt very comfortable and excited to welcome this sweet girl into our family. As soon as I met her in-person, I quickly realized her needs were far more extensive than were originally explained to our family. It didn’t matter. I knew from the moment I first held her in my arms and looked into her big brown eyes, that no matter what her diagnoses included I was determined to give her the life she deserved - a life filled with love and happiness. Melitta was finally discharged from the NICU in the middle of a late-November snow storm. We left the hospital together and began the trek back to Montana so she could meet the rest of the family. Melitta settled right into our chaos and began growing and thriving at home. She loved laughing with her daddy and adored her big brother and sister playing with her.

Throughout our time together, Melitta was life-flighted back and forth to children’s hospitals multiple times for imaging, procedures, and multiple life saving surgeries. We spent months together in the hospital away from the rest of our family. I always made it a point to tell her how much I loved her and that I was always going to be there for her. I did everything I could to bring joy to her face and comfort to her heart. Each time Melitta was discharged from the hospital, she was so eager to get back home and see the rest of the family again. When she was home, everything felt right. We were all together as a family. Through all the hospital stays, doctors appointments, and therapies she remained brave. Melitta had the most contagious squinty-eyed, wrinkly-nose smile that I have ever seen. Anywhere she went and anyone she met was instantly changed by her. Her and I spent hours just looking into each other's eyes and sharing smiles. She communicated with me through eye glances, facial expressions, and all the cute little noises she would make. I would do it all again in a heartbeat, every single minute of it. Melitta was truly one-of-a-kind and has forever changed me.

She will forever be my inspiration. Melitta has inspired me to live in the moment, choose happiness regardless of the circumstances, and to be brave even if life is scary or hard. Melitta has inspired me to be confident and never stop advocating. Melitta will always be a part of who I am and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sweet girl, you will forever be our sunshine!

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