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A Trisomy 18 Angel

Zion Emma was born with trisomy 18. We learned of her possible diagnosis at 13 weeks gestation when she tested high risk for trisomy 18. We immediately were forced to advocate for our daughters worthiness for life as the doctors and genetic counselors recommended we terminate the pregnancy. We were scared but determined to give her every chance possible for life. 

Zion was born via c section at 38 weeks 5 days. She was measuring small and we felt this would give her the easiest delivery. I remember praying that if she could just weigh 5 pounds she'd be strong enough to stay with us for a few days. Answered prayer, she was exactly 5 pounds! She needed oxygen when she was first born. I also remember laying on the operating table begging God to let her live long enough for me to hold her. She was beautiful and perfect! Zion only stayed in the NICU for 5 days before we brought our tiny girl home with an NG tube for feeding.

Zion thrived at home we hardly ever set her down! The heart surgeon originally denied her heart repair but some of her doctors advocated for it and her changed his mind. At 6 months old she got her g tube. At 7 months old she had a large VSD and a small ASD repaired. She was inpatient for 59 days after heart surgery. It was scary!! But God granted us many miracles and again we took our girl home. 

Zion's smiles and giggles were everyone's favorite!! She was God's pure love in human form! God granted us 1,259 beautiful days with Zion earth side before he unexpectedly called her home to heaven. Her absence is tangible! We miss her every day! We cannot wait to hold her again in heaven. 


Zion Emma 

Full trisomy 18

G tube

VSD and ASD heart repair

The youngest of 6 children 

The cutest girl! 

Our trisomy 18 princess angel


-Heidi, Zion's Mama

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