


A Rett Syndrome Angel

Korrie was always known for her bright blue eyes and chubby cheeks. She had the calmest demeanor from the moment she was born. After 2 rambunctious little boys, it was surreal to get a little girl. We lived in bliss for several months before we realized how unique she was. When she was 1 year old, we started what would turn into 2 years of tests, scans, and labs to learn more about our mystery girl. Just after her 3rd birthday, we finally got the answer we had already known in our hearts. Our perfect girl had Rett Syndrome. A rare neurological condition that would rob our sweetheart of the life we envisioned for her.

Over the next nearly 5 years, our lives would be continually altered by her diagnosis. But she was so much more than that. She was resilient. She was a fighter. She was a world changer. She drew everyone she met into her world with her bright, expressive eyes and peaceful spirit. You wanted to be in her presence. Through the power of social media, Korrie grew quite a fan club and became one of the best cheerleaders. People from all over the world fell in love with her. Even through a screen, you could feel how wonderful she was.

Korrie taught us more in her short seven years than many teach in a lifetime. She taught us to have an eternal perspective, that we can do hard things, and that our circumstances do not define our lives. Korrie did it all without uttering a word. Through all the struggles and trials she endured, she always came out smiling and calm in the midst of stormy seas.

She left this world unexpectedly on October 1, 2023, 29 days before her 8th birthday. We will forever miss her, but we are doing our best to live life to the fullest in her honor. You can learn so much more about her by following #korriesstory on Instagram and Facebook.

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