


A Trisomy 21 Warrior

Addison Rae Feldmann was born May 17th, 2019. She was born at 27 weeks with T21. Addison was born weighing 2 lbs 13 oz. She was also born with Duodenal Atresia, which is a bowel obstruction in the intestines, and two severe congenital heart defects known as Tetralogy of Fallot and a ventricular septal defect, in which both required surgery. Addison underwent her first surgery at 2 days old to repair her bowel obstruction. She then spent 56 days in the Overland Park Neonatal Intensive Care Unit when she was finally able to be sent home.

Her heart was monitored very closely for the next few months when she became ill and had to undergo her 1st open heart surgery to repair the Tetralogy of Fallot. In the days following her surgery she contracted Necrotizing Enterocolitis. This made it to where she was on a ventilator for 11 days. With extensive treatment she slowly got stronger and healthier and after a month-long stay at Children's Mercy-Kansas City, she was able to go back home until doctors were confident that she was big enough and strong enough to undergo her 2nd open heart surgery to repair the VSD heart defect. She spent 9 days at Children's Mercy then was considered healthy enough to be sent home to thrive.

After a year and half of being a happy growing toddler, doctors discovered through a routine heart checkup that the hole from the VSD repair hadn't completely held up with surgery. She then was scheduled for a 3rd open heart surgery. Addison underwent her 3rd open heart operation on March 22, 2022 and was healthy, back on her feet and being spunky within 6 days. She was sent home from Children's Mercy on March 28th, 2022 and is completely healthy and thriving today.

Addison absolutely loves all her pajamas and her personalized Lillian floral blanket from Laree and Co. We love this community and cannot wait to see future collections and what her future holds.

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